Positive Behavior Plan
Positive Behavior Plan:
1. Students can earn fish cash for good behavior by following school and classroom procedures. These procedures are school wide procedures that are used to provide a safe learning environment. Weekly students can turn in their fish cash to the fish cart that has a variety of things they may purchase.
2. If a student is unable to follow these procedures, they are given a verbal warning and/or the procedure is modeled again. If the behavior continues a card system has been set up in the classroom. 1st card is a warning, 2nd card is 5 minutes time out, 3rd card they are to fill out a "Think Sheet"( where students are asked to fill out a form that helps them determine other ways they could have handled their behavior) and time in a buddy room, 4th card is a referral to the dean, and a phone call home.
3. I also have a smiley face chart on each students desk, where they can receive a visual positive reinforcement throughout their day. At the end of the week if the chart is full they can turn in the smiley faces for a reward.
4. Class Dojo is used on a daily basis. Please sign up to see how your child is doing. It's also a great way to contact me anytime you have questions or concerns.