Brett Yoder » Homework Policy

Homework Policy

Mr. Yoder’s Homework and Make-Up Work Policy

  • Student homework will mainly consist of 3 components
    • 20 minutes of reading each night.
    • Briefly practicing spelling words most nights
    • Occasional math practice activities on specific skills.
  • Student homework practice will not be collected for a grade but students can receive positive reinforcement for returning their reading log in their agenda books filled out and signed each day. Please be sure to initial what your student read each night in their agenda book or reading log.
  • If a student misses a graded assignment due to an absence, they will always have the opportunity to make up the work in class. If the assignment was not taken for a grade, the student will have an opportunity to complete the assignment in class if there is time and it is pertinent to their success in learning the subject matter.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about homework or assignments your student may have missed due to absence, please feel free to contact me. I want to partner with you in helping your student find success in all areas.